Robin Askwith
Live and Current
Welcome To The Robin Askwith Official Website
Having lived a virtually tech free existence for many years, scared to even use a mobile phone, I am now beginning to really enjoy myself!
The Official Robin Askwith Website!
Dragged into the world of Twitter (now over 25,000 followers…) by my long-suffering girlfriend, Tracy, I’m now entering the website zone…entitled Robin Askwith…”Live and Current”.
This tells you my name and that I am still alive and currently up to (lots of) live and current stuff!!
My Blog and Twitter Feed
My blog here links to my Twitter feed and visa versa and this, The Robin Askwith Official Website will give you access to my weird and very wonderful life – a life that continues to be just that.
The author, Leslie Thomas, (Stand Up, Virgin Soldiers) described me as “incident prone” – which can be either good or bad – but always interesting .
The first jolly incident was being disabled as a child with polio, wheelchair bound and told I would never walk again ….well you know how that panned out!!
Robin Askwith – Live & Current
So “Live and Current” it will be, enabling you get up to date news of all live gigs and theatre performances coming up plus any new TV and film appearances.
Click on this link to see my Current & Recent Projects and you can even book tickets for each of my gigs from its listing on that page.
My Vlog
Click on my Vlog page to see my most recent video messages.
And DO click on my Twitter Feed/Blog to see what’s going on in my, somewhat unconventional, stream of consciousness………
Robin Askwith Branded Stuff – The Merchandise!
If you want that very special Robin Askwith item, make sure you order it from my Merchandise page.
There are genuinely rare items that even I didn’t know were available – perfect for that very special Christmas stocking,
Over 7 Decades of Photo-memorabilia
Also, there is over 55 years of archive material that we’ll be posting up over the coming months and years.
We’ll add and build this up bit by bit…….
Click on my Gallery & Video page to see a regularly updated collection of photos and videos that I’d love to share with you.
Follow me! Come to a Show!
So do follow me….”even if it’s only out of curiosity” (to quote Eric Morecambe).
Robin Askwith – Live and VERY Current
Many thanks for joining me – I really look forward to seeing and meeting you at one of my shows very soon.